The James Family

The James Family

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Most everyone knows that our Olivia has been very sick this past week.  I ask that everyone please join us in prayers for her and her family.  Below is a link to her caringbridge page to keep up with her recovery!  Thank you in advance for your prayers!

15 Months

We have a sassy 15 month old.  I am amazed everyday at how diffrent these two boys are.  I know they are suppose to be diffrent but they are REALLY diffrent.  Cole is cool calm and collective doesn't get into a hurry about ANYTHING...Judson well he is just the opposite!

At 15 Months:

Judson is eating with a fork almost all the time, if you do not give him one he will make sure you do.

He has 6 teeth, working on 3 more...they are almost there!

His sleeping is well...not great!  He is up usually once a night...not sure they can have bad dreams at this age.  When he does wake up he is scared and has a very scared cry.  He is trying to drop his morning nap, which makes for about a hour and half in the morning that is very HAIRY!!!

Judson says "Momma," "kitty" and occasionally "dada."  He can sign "please," "thank you,"
"more," "hat," and "eat." 

Weighs-24.5 lbs -50 %
Length- 32 3/4- 95 %- length of a 21 month old
Head-    47.8 cm - 75% size of a 20 month old

Judson is a ball of fire, he never stops moving and has recently gotten an attitude.  I joke with Levi that we might not got out much in public until we can get this in check.  He is so much fun and loves to snuggle his mama!! 

Fun Filled Weekend

On Friday Novemeber 30th we went to Amarillo for the weekend...we had a well check, sat on Santa's lap,  Levi watched the Stratford football game,  me and the boys swam, we watched Olivia play volleyball and got our Christmas tree.  It was such a busy and FUN weekend! 

Not scared of Santa AT ALL
Our annual Christmas Tree Pic

Every year since Levi and I have been getting Christmas trees we have gone to the Boys Scout in Amarillo.
Every year it is such an adventure, depending on what little guy/girl is helping us.  This year it was Cole's turn to pic out the tree.  It was a Noble Fir, this is by far one of my most favorite traditions we do.  This year we got the boys a mini tree for their room too instead of their fake one. 

We hope everyone is having a great Christmas Season!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thankful for Thanksgiving

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Judson ended up having a nasty tummy bug! He woke up Thursday happy and full of energy so we headed to Dalhart for Johnson Family Thanksgiving, my family insisted we come!

We had such a great day and enjoyed visiting with lots of family! That evening Cole got very tired early and laid by me , I had a flat so Levi was outside trying to air it up! Out of nowhere Judson and Cole got sick all over me at the exact same time! I'm pretty sure if we had it on film we would win some $$$$!!! The boys were under the weather until Saturday afternoon, as soon as they were on the mend, Daddy went down hill.  This is a nasty bug and I don't wish it on anyone. 

Although, we were "under the weather" we are so blessed that it was short lived and that we are healthy.  Every time some one asked me what I was most thankful for this year I always answered "Our Health."  There are so many that are sick and it is something I am truly grateful for.  There are so many that need our prayers daily...

We hope everyone had a BLESSED THANKSGIVING!! 

Before the disaster started!!  :)

I have never seen him be so STILL

Boys and Baby

Judson and Cole both really enjoyed seeing Paxton and holding her during James family Thanksgiving! Judson really, REALLY Loves her and thought he was so big holding her! She is precious and such a good baby to take it all...

Election Day

We took the boys with us to vote this year! We had been watching debates and talking alot about the upcoming election, so Cole wanted to see what voting was all about! Little did we know they would get a "treat" for coming...they got some of the most delicious patriotic cookies from Denise Baumert! If you need cookies and you are in the Dalhart area you must order some!! I should have gotten a before and after photo...their faces were blue from top to bottom!!

Please remember to pray for our country and those that lead it regardless of your party affiliation! It is so important!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

DALHART Football

We have been trying all season to get in ONE Dalhart Football game.  This past Friday we finally made it...we watched them stomp the Pampa Harvesters!  I decided I needed to get a few pics and record the memory since it was Judson's and Levi's FIRST Dalhart Football game!!  Here's too many, MANY more!!   Go WOLVES!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

14 Months

My sweet baby is 14 months...I can't believe it!

At 14 months:

He continues to be a good eater, but doesn't miss anything to do it.  He has also decided that he must eat with a fork and does very well doing so. 

We got a new tooth this that makes the count at 5.

He continues to sleep well, occasionally waking up at night and still enjoys 2 naps a day from 1.5-2 hours.

Judson is now signing and can sign, "more," "please," "thank you" and "hat."
However he can communicate in other ways EVERYTHING he wants.  I love this stage where you can tell them to do something and they actually understand and follow directions. 

Judson weighs about 24 lbs and wears anything from 18-24 month clothes! 

He can make anything into a hat!! 
 Judson has brought so much laughter, love and busyness to our lives! We continue to be in awe at the love these two sweet boys have for each other. We are so very blessed!! 

Happy Halloween

We hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!  We had a great time with our two SUPER Hero's.  Cole decided a couple of months ago, when those pesky costume magazines start arriving, that he and Judson would be Super Hero's.  But not just any ordinary hero, he wanted to use his Super Cole cape and wanted one for Judson too.  Thanks to a best friend of mine and her mom, we made that happen!  Thanks Becca and Kay...I know they will play in these for a LONG time!! 

We started out of Halloween to Levi's parents and stopped at one of our only neighbors.  Between those two houses the boys buckets were already full of candy!  We always have a pic taken at photomakers (he does a great job), and then off to meet all the cousins at GoGo's!!  We made a few more stops and ended the night eating pizza at mom and dads! 
Super Judson
Super Cole

Almost Perfect!!

This is how the first 15 pictures looked...

The boys had a great time...Cole would say..."trick or treat, can I please have a treat!"  Just precious!!  Judson, well he just wanted to go inside every one's house!  Hope you enjoy the pics, I am a crazy picture taker...there is your warning!! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The boys had their first shower together last night. Cole usually showers while Judson is in the bath, its the quickest and easiest way to bathe them both at the same time. Judson always wants in and out...I guess he figures bath time slows him down too much. So last night as I was getting him out, Cole opened the shower door and in went Judson. They played in their together for 30 minutes...I can see this being their new favorite past time!!

Meeting Paxton

This past week Aunt Thea and Paxton came for a visit and Cole and Judson got to play and "love" on her.  She is such a cutie and we enjoyed getting to spend some time with her and her mommy! 
Cole is such a sweet boy!
Judson loved to pat her...and she took the love so well!
He thought someome had bought him a new toy to play with!


Two weeks ago Papa (Levi's dad) came home from the cattle sale in Dalhart with a BIG surprise for Cole.  Of course he made sure it was okay with mommy and daddy first, Thank you Papa!!  Cole has been asking for a dog for a few months now, but I had decided that we didn't need one until the Spring, since winter was upon us and we wouldn't spend as much time outside. 

Well Papa came home with the cutest Red my plans went out the door and we fell in love with Copper!  He is adorable and pretty good with the boys...for a puppy! 
His first look at the SURPRISE
Papa, Cole and Copper

Monday, October 15, 2012

Judson's ONE Year Pics

I am in LOVE with Judson's one year pics that Holly McCauley did!  Thank you so much Holly for capturing his sweet and ornery side...these melt my heart!  

We have this exact picture of Cole...same outfit and all!!

Ornery Nose Wrinkle

Sweet Boy wanted his picture taken too!

It doesn't get much sweeter than this!