The James Family

The James Family

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Eggs

We did Easter eggs this past weekend! We tried a new method with whipping was fun but very messy. 

We tried to put initial stickers on an egg for everyone but most of them didn't stay on. 

11 months

One Month until she is ONE!  
I really can't believe how fast it has gone.

Haven is pulling up on anything and everything and cruising around. She still bear crawls (with flat feet) when she wants to get some where very fast.  

She waves bye bye and goodnight, gives me kisses and says dada.  She loves to look at Bella our dog and gets very excited when she sees cattle. 

She is wearing a solid 18 month on bottom and needs 24 month -2t on top,  size 4 diaper and size 3 shoe.  She weighs around 23 lbs. 

She continues to nurse for naps and bedtime and eats everything we eat.  

Her sleeping has been bad lately.  Since her last double ear infection she has woke up ALOT in the night, and sometimes wants to stay up.  She naps twice a day or a few more cat naps depending if we are at home or not. 

I can not believe we are getting ready to celebrate one year with our Haven Mae. 

IPhone Catchup

This past month has been a little calm before the crazy.  Both boys will be playing baseball this spring in two different leagues so we have just been soaking up time at home before the next two months keep us busy busy!  

The week before spring break the entire house (minus Haven) had flu b.  So much of spring break was spent cleaning, playing at home and helping dad work!  

He is always styling even in his sleep!

I just love when babies sleep like this.

She wanted a ride.

We celebrated Daddy's 35th birthday! 

Haven is pulling up on everything. 

Spring break relaxation! 

Trying to "help" Haven walk! 

Judson has been hunting ALOT! 
Cole has lost more teeth!

Our dog terrorized a raccoon for an entire 12 hours before it somehow escaped. 

Haven has learned to climb stairs...she went from not doing it to going all the way in seconds. 

And we managed a date night!  

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Valentine's weekend

Our Valentines weekend was FULL of Fun! 
Cole's can we decorated for his valentines at school! 
We were the winners of Valentine trivia at his school party!  He might be a little competitive. 

Star Wars movie date! 

Man those photo booths are small. 

Everyone loved swimming! 

A little painting...
A little bowling...
Haven's Valentines from the boys in our family! 
First Valentine's Day 
All dressed up for our fancy dinner 
We are so blessed 
Apple juice in a fancy glass! 
Picture perfect!  

Is it Spring yet?

We are loving these teases of warm, still weather. 

10 month

How is it possible that we are two months away from celebrating one year with this sweet girl. 

She is the sweetest thing. I can she is officially crawling or doing her version of it.  She bear crawls a lot with a few crawl in between.  She is exploring more and more and really moving around.

She is weighing around 22lbs and still wearing size 4 diapers and mostly 18 month dresses and 24 month shirts. 

She continues to sleep great going to bed around 730 and sleeping until around 630.  She takes two good naps when we are home and when we aren't she naps in the car often.  She travels great...but seems to do better when her brothers "entertainment" are with her. 

She is still nursing and still doing is often...every 4 hours or for sure before naps and bedtime.  She loves table food and will try anything.   

Haven Mae you are such a jewel...I can't imagine our life without you!