The James Family

The James Family

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

20 Weeks

20 Weeks
Baby James the third is 1/2 way here, I can't believe how fast time seems to be going.  We had our big sono this week and everything was perfect.  This was such a relief to us after being sick for a month and having to have surgery.  The baby was a few ounces BIGGER than should have been which was music to my ears...he or she weighed 12 ounces.  I am always amazed at the details of a sonogram when the baby is so tiny.  We are starting to gain back some of our weight that we lost while sick, so far up 3# of the 12 we lost.  I can really start to see my belly growing which is always really exciting.  I was concerned I wasn't feeling the baby as much as I had with the boys, but it seems that the placenta is anterior (in the front) so its muffling some of those kicks right now.  The sonographer said she knew what baby was but we chose to not find out...20 or so more weeks until we know who will join our family...we know it will be perfect whether boy or girl. 
Thank you for continuing to pray for the James' and Baby #3. 

Sweet Legs and feet crossed

Baby was moving his/her mouth a lot

Sweet profile


These are our Super Hero's of Our world.  They loved their costumes this year.  We always trick or treat in what I like to call the "Johnson Caravan," that would include 4 Suv's filled with 12 kids and their appropriate adult supervisor.  The kids always have a blast. We usually just stop at everyone's grandmas house and a few extra special friends and they have had enough.  This year was extra special with it being on a Friday we all had pizza at the Day's house and had some cousin play time. 

It's that time of year...

This is what I call our "crazy busy time of year," although I have come to realize that there isn't actually a time of year that isn't really busy around here.  Farming is coming to an end with harvest ending today and fall cattle buying is in full force.  Judson, Levi and I have been spending a lot of time processing cattle, we sure do miss our other great hand Cole while he is at school.  Judson wants to name each and everyone, although half of them usually have the same name, and he needs to touch each one while they are in the shoot.  His has a deep love for the cattle....

Fire truck Fun

Oh the perks of having your sister as your kinder teacher, Judson and I got to enjoy this fun day with Cole as well.  

Really Reading

I am loving this stage of Cole learning how to read.  He absolutely beams when he is doing it and is doing very well.  He needs little to no instruction, thank you Leap Frog videos in the car and working some at home he knew all his letters and sounds before starting school.  He has 59" I am Sam" books to read before he can check out a library book, last night he read number 32.