The James Family

The James Family

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Most everyone knows that our Olivia has been very sick this past week.  I ask that everyone please join us in prayers for her and her family.  Below is a link to her caringbridge page to keep up with her recovery!  Thank you in advance for your prayers!

15 Months

We have a sassy 15 month old.  I am amazed everyday at how diffrent these two boys are.  I know they are suppose to be diffrent but they are REALLY diffrent.  Cole is cool calm and collective doesn't get into a hurry about ANYTHING...Judson well he is just the opposite!

At 15 Months:

Judson is eating with a fork almost all the time, if you do not give him one he will make sure you do.

He has 6 teeth, working on 3 more...they are almost there!

His sleeping is well...not great!  He is up usually once a night...not sure they can have bad dreams at this age.  When he does wake up he is scared and has a very scared cry.  He is trying to drop his morning nap, which makes for about a hour and half in the morning that is very HAIRY!!!

Judson says "Momma," "kitty" and occasionally "dada."  He can sign "please," "thank you,"
"more," "hat," and "eat." 

Weighs-24.5 lbs -50 %
Length- 32 3/4- 95 %- length of a 21 month old
Head-    47.8 cm - 75% size of a 20 month old

Judson is a ball of fire, he never stops moving and has recently gotten an attitude.  I joke with Levi that we might not got out much in public until we can get this in check.  He is so much fun and loves to snuggle his mama!! 

Fun Filled Weekend

On Friday Novemeber 30th we went to Amarillo for the weekend...we had a well check, sat on Santa's lap,  Levi watched the Stratford football game,  me and the boys swam, we watched Olivia play volleyball and got our Christmas tree.  It was such a busy and FUN weekend! 

Not scared of Santa AT ALL
Our annual Christmas Tree Pic

Every year since Levi and I have been getting Christmas trees we have gone to the Boys Scout in Amarillo.
Every year it is such an adventure, depending on what little guy/girl is helping us.  This year it was Cole's turn to pic out the tree.  It was a Noble Fir, this is by far one of my most favorite traditions we do.  This year we got the boys a mini tree for their room too instead of their fake one. 

We hope everyone is having a great Christmas Season!