The James Family

The James Family

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Another ONE

Judson busted his lip last night.  He was pretty upset about it, he never cries.  He told me he was running really fast and straight into the corner of the door.  Thank heavens it didn't need anything but some kisses and ice.  How do I teach these boys that they have to slow down...oh that's right I can't THEY ARE BOYS!!!  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

6 year Old Interview

So every year since Cole turned 4 (hmmm that's just 2 years) I have done a yearly birthday interview and I am finally getting it typed up.  This might be one of my favorite traditions...lets hope I can keep it up. I have a book I print them off in along with a picture of him on his BIG day. 

1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your favorite toy?......... Video Games
3. What is your favorite fruit?......Pineapple.
4. What is your favorite tv show?........Stampy Cat
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?.......Nachos
6. What is your favorite outfit?......Mario Clothes
7. What is your favorite game?........Skylanders
 8. What is your favorite snack?......Brownies
9. What is your favorite animal?.......Giraffe
10. What is your favorite song?.....Country Songs
11. What is your favorite book?.....Mine craft Books
12. Who is your best friend?.......Jakobe
13. What is your favorite cereal?.......None
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?....Play on Swing set
15. What is your favorite drink?.......Ice Water
16. What is your favorite holiday?.......Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?...........Ben Tom my monkey
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?......Pop tarts
 19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?.......Pizza
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up?........Cowboy

36 Weeks

We had our 36 week growth sono and check up last Friday.  It appears that Baby James is growing great and maybe JUST MAYBE wont be as big of a baby as his or her brothers were.  The sono estimated that the baby weighs about 6lbs 11oz. which puts him or her in the 77%.  I was super excited to hear this news, because like I said in the previous baby update post Dr Freeman is very cautious.  He was encouraged that this baby wasn't in the 90% like Cole and Judson, which in return lets him relax on the induction talk.  YEAH for me!!!   Although,  I am not convinced that this baby will be smaller, he or she sure doesn't feel like it at this point. My lovely husband keeps reminding me that I might feel like that because I'm older...isn't he sweet! 

We got some amazing sono pictures of Baby James' face.  He or She is positioned head down...yeah and has already worked itself pretty far down in to the pelvis.  The sono also checked out that the baby was doing everything he or she was suppose to be doing.  Heart rate was good- 143 bpm, which is where the boys both were about this same time. 
We can't wait to meet this sweet baby and add him or her to this fun, crazy family!  

18 Months

I say it all the time, but I really believe I blinked and my baby is 18 months old.  I am amazed at this ornery little guy, who steals my heart every day!  He is changing and becoming less baby and more little boy. 

At 18 Months:

Judson is eating great and with a fork.  He still will not drink milk, but has decided that juice (watered down) is a great change up to water. 

He as 12 teeth and is working on the last 4 teeth!  We are ready for those to be in and teething to be OVER with...another sign he is growing up.

Ohhh sleep...who needs it right!  I think that is Judson's motto.  I have always known that Cole talks alot in his sleep, but recently he has started yelling some...and I think he is waking Judson up.  Judson has always been a restless sleeper so once he is up it is very hard for him to get back to sleep.  There are nights we sit in the chair in his room and rock, sing, and pray.  Then we will have nights were he sleeps straight through...he likes to keep us guessing.  I know this is just a short season and before I know it he will be 4.  He is down to one nap a day and its usually around 1 for a couple hours. 

Judson can say..."momma, daddy, kitty, ball, papa, wow, and Bella." He isn't talking ALOT but, understands everything we say.  I know its just a matter of time I will be sneaking to the laundry to get some peace and quiet. 

Weighs- 26.2 lbs- 75% the average weight of a 21 month old
Length- 33 3/4 in.-90% the average length of a 22 month old
Head- 48.7 cm the average head of a 2 year old

Judson is definitely a busy boy and wants to do EVERYTHING Cole does.  Currently his favorite chore to do is feed Bella and the kitty.  They are well feed animals to say the least.  I am so honored to be this little guys mom and thank God for entrusting him to us to grow and raise. 

* Not Sure what I did today for this to come up now and repost, but for the life of me I can't get it to go back to where it belongs and believe me my OCD personality has tried everything known to me*
Isn't he a cutie though!



We had a FUN Valentine's Day!  This was our first year to do Valentines and the boys were so excited with what I  Pinterest came up to do.  They both had parties at school and it was so much fun. 


Cole has been patiently waiting for February 6th for months, for SpongeBob Out of Water to come to theaters.  Yes we are "those" parents that watch the show.  I used to put up a big fight but daddy vetoed me and the boys were so glad.  So on Friday we surprised the boys with a date night to the movie in Guymon,  complete with junk food for dinner.  Daddy didn't make it in the pictures, because most of the movie he was running for more snacks!!  


He made the trapeze his basketball goal...

We have been enjoying the beautiful weather we have had recently and put 1/2 of the boys swing set  they got for Christmas. They love it and this momma is going to love it this spring and summer with the new baby!  Now to finish putting the other half together.

32 weeks

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has flown by.  This sweet baby is growing and growing and so am I.  At our appointment today his/her heart rate was 140 bpm and we measured right on for 32 weeks, I have gained back to my pre-pregnancy weight +10 so they are happy with that.  We are assuming that this will be another "good size" baby since both of the boys were, why would we have some tiny tot now right?  Our OBGYN we LOVE, but he is very cautious.  He gets nervous about us being two hour away, so with both Cole and Judson we were induced.   However, this time around I really want to just go on my own.  So at this appointment we had a LONG talk about that...praying that works out. 
For the most part I am feeling good.  I have these crazy leg aches and have started going to the chiropractor for seems to be making them better.  We can't wait to meet sweet Baby James soon...


My sister makes AMAZING cakes in her spare time
Pin the Eye on the Skylander

Skylander Bingo



Party Favors

Our annual Family birthday picture

I can't believe this boy who made us parents turned 6.  Seriously!  It was my first birthday of his not to spend all day with him.  And I will be honest it was HORRIBLE...I was so emotional.  I couldn't wait to get to take cupcakes to his class for snack.

We celebrated with our family and friends at the Roc in Dalhart.  The kids played, ate pizza and cake and we played a few games that Cole had requested.  

Cole has the sweetest heart, he is so caring, obedient, and the best big brother.  God blessed us by intrusting this special little guy to us.  As much as we hate how fast he is growing, we are so proud of the boy he is becoming. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Christmas Day

Oh the excitement of Christmas morning!  The boys were so fun this year and yes they LOVED all their gifts, but they are really understanding the real reason for Christmas and that brings so much joy to me! Our day was spent with the James' and Johnson family and it was a blast!