The James Family

The James Family

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The BIG 30

Wednesday I turned the big 30! Everyone seems to make this birthday such a big deal, but honestly I had no trouble with it at all! I'm beyond blessed with an amazing husband, two healthy boys that I am able to stay home with everyday and the best family and friends a girl could ask for! It's an understatement to say that "My cup runneth over."

I had planned a fun day in Amarillo for the four of us, but Judson started running fever the day before and felt super yucky unless doped up on Motrin! We ended up going to Amarillo to see our pediatrician and found out Judson had a nasty virus! We made the best of the day and did a little shopping along with a trip to the bakery and tried to make some keepsakes at brush by art! We ended the day with fajitas at Aunt Thea's and birthday cake! It was a good day...didn't go as I had planned but it was a great day! Here is the day in pictures....

Gorgeous necklace & bracelet from my boys

Cole made me a mom bracelet and as long as I was wearing it everyone had to do whatever I said! 

Lunch in the car...Cole's pick! 

Cookies at Belmar!


Making Mom something....

Judson would NOT do his hands

I am one blessed lady!

FINALLY the birthday song...he had been waiting all day for the cake

Cole wanted me to have a Princess he helped decorate the cake to his liking! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

First ER Trip

I am a pretty blessed parents...both of my children have Only made one trip to the ER each! Judson's was Tuesday! I could tell he hadn't been feeling very well and then got very lethargic and had fever! Our pediatrician is in Amarillo and I was unable to get him in to our Dr in Dalhart! So the ER we went, after some tests, Motrin, Popsicles and him being a  VERY good little boy...we found out he just had a nasty VIRUS! I hate virus' because there is nothing you can do but treat symptoms and wait it out!

Slumber Party

A few nights ago cole wanted to have a slumber party with his dad in our room! I wasn't initially invited so I was getting ready for bed and going to sleep in Coles bed! Cole came in and handed me this "invite" he said put a check if you are coming and an "x" if you can't!

Of course I attended until about 1:30 when he was hogging the bed!!


Levi's new favorite place to place the boys...on top of the fridge! It's the first time we have ever seems Judson scared!

Babies, babies, lots of babies

It's TIME!!! Our heifers are starting to's so exciting and fun to go out and see the new babies! This was our first one of the season...

Circus Circus

Friday a circus came to town and Levi was able to sneak away from planting for a few hours and join us! What a treat it was for all!!

Jumpy house FUN

He didn't understand why the clown wouldn't give him his balls!

The Garcia's joined us!

PaPa came too!

Tractor Driving

A few weeks ago Levi got a tractor for us to keep at our house, smaller than the other ones but able to mow, feed hay, etc with! I joked with Cole that it was his tractor because it was just his size! Needless to say, that thought has not left his mind and he indeed BELIEVES it is his! I had to get some pics in of Cole and his tractor...

I'm pretty sure Judson thinks its his!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Opening Ceremony and 1st REAL Game

 Saturday we had opening ceremony and the boys had a game.  Natalie and I are coaching together and we also got Hagan on our team.  This is the first year for our three younger boys to play ball and it has been alot of fun so far.  Cole even got lucky and got his best friend on the team, along with alot of other cuties!  What a fun season this is going to be!  Gooooo BLACK Team!!! 

Ready for a day of baseball

Opening Ceremony
Olivia sang and did great...her first time to sing in public since being sick! 

Watching their BIG brothers!

Right after he told us "I got my game face on."

" You proud of me Mom?" Ummmm of course!!

So sweet!!
Thanks Whitney for taking some priceless photos!! 

Aunt Nannie and Hagan

Headed HOME

Little Slugger can hit the ball!

GOOOO Black Team

I couldn't leave out the girls...Karlee is playing machine pitch and Avi is in her second year of tball!
Can't forget the Girls...Karlee Catching

She can hit the ball

Avi Maree

Can't leave out this cute cowboy