The James Family

The James Family

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ropin' a Pacie

Ohhh I have dreaded this process.  I know it has been time for a while, for Judson to bid fare well to his pacie, but he LOVED it soooo much.  And lets face it, he wasn't a good sleeper with it, I was scared to see how he would be WITHOUT it.  When Judson was born, Cole decided on his own that he would throw his away.  I think he had one or two cries about it and it was OVER...easy with no torment or torture.  I didn't for see this going that well.

I have asked several people about the best way to do this.  We decided his real problem was that he had no boundaries with it, he always had it.  We were down to one pacie and NOT buying more.  So I ended up tying it to his bed with a short shoe string, that way if he needed it he must be in his bed.  The first two nights I didn't sleep well thinking he could get tangled up but he never did. And he adjusted so easily to traveling and not having it all day!  I was so proud of him...when he was asked about his pacie he would say "we roped my pacie to my bed."  He is infatuated with his rope right now so it worked perfectly.  

Fast forward to this past Monday night...when he came down with a horrible tummy bug. So the first night he got sick in his bed I stripped it down including the roped pacie and threw it in the washer.  But I decided to hide it in the drawer instead of putting it back on the bed.  Of course he noticed immediately...and had a few melt downs and asked many times what had happened to it.  I explained we had to throw it away because it was nasty now.  I felt bad taking it away in such a hard time and believe me, he has had a bad week with this bug.  But today he told me he was big and didn't need it anymore and wondered when the baby in my tummy would want one!!  

👍 So proud of our big boy!!! 

11 Weeks

With the boys I have always kept up with a hand written journal all through pregnancy with specials pictures, cards etc.  With Cole, I wrote until he was 2, even journal down to his first bite of corn on the cob it was VERY detailed!  I remember Levi telling me "now make sure you do that with all of them or they will have a complex."  So with Judson I started out strong but ended his journal at age one when I started blogging.

So...I'm taking Levi's advice and started another journal and so far I have kept up pretty good with it.  But let's face it, I'm just 11 weeks!  Being the baby of 4 I don't even have much of a baby book so I know I am a little over the top with my pictures, journals, and card keeping. But I don't want to forget special times and how we felt.  Which leads up to this blog...I am going to double document a few things with this pregnancy so they are in our printed blog book (which I need to get printed).

So here we are 11 weeks!!  This pregnancy has been quite different than with the boys.  I have only had slight nausea and by slight I mean not existent compared to my boys.  I am starving every couple of hours but nothing sounds good, but this is getting better.  As of right now I am down 8lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, I did this with both boys also, so I know I will catch up SOON!
Our first appointment went great last week, we heard the heart beat with a Doppler and it was 161 (Cole was 171 and Judson 151 at same week) and strong!
  We will not find out the gender of the baby just as we didn't with the boys!  We LOVE the surprise.  It drives some crazy and as of right now, Cole isn't too excited about waiting.  And just to answer the question that EVERYONE keeps asking...we do not care one way or another.  We are learning how to raise boys and we can learn to raise a girl too.  We can't wait to see what gender God has planned for us...either way we are very excited for this journey to grow and meet the newest baby James.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


We went to our first Wolves game of the season and Daddy got to get off the tractor and join us too!  Judson had been looking forward to the "hitball" game all day and of course the tattoos!  

The boys were able to see their cousins and managed to eat ALOT of junk!!! I'm also so thankful for the family that sits behind us, they have smaller kids also so were very understanding when our brood had their "issues." The Wolves ended up winning by ALOT and we were able to watch one of my best friends son Jaidan Puga make his first varsity TD.  All in all a great night!!