The James Family

The James Family

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

9 years

The boys in our house (all three of them) had a tummy bug over Christmas break which haulted all plans for an anniversary solo dinner for Levi and I.  But we did manage a family fun day in Amarillo...the boys got haircuts, we did a little shopping and had a yummy dinner.
9 years with this handsome man....thanking God for all of our blessings
First hair wash...they loved it
Our happy little princess


We went out and walked and loved on the horses the afternoon before "the blizzard" was suppose to hit thinking it might be our last time to visit the horses for a few days.  It was cold, but the boys were troopers.  We loved, brushed, walked and fed them.
Cole and Stampey
Judson and Spur
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They love food time

Our family sure was glad we dodged the blizzard, it could have been devastating to us.  We had horrible wind but did not get ONE flake of snow.  We are praying for all the ranchers who were not so lucky.

9 Months

The sweetest little girl 

I can't believe we are at this 9 month mark already.  Have was 9 months the day after Christmas.  We had her appointment yesterday so I have accurate numbers this go around.

She weighs 21 lbs 4 oz.  She is the weight of a 14 month old.
She is 28.5 inches long.  She is the length of a 12 month old.
She is wearing mostly 18 month clothes with a few 12-18 and a size 4 diaper.

She continues to be our best sleeper yet.  Sleeping in her bed.  She usually goes to bed around 830 and wakes around 630, some nights she wakes up briefly.  We are so blessed to have a sleeper, her brothers were not.

She still nurse every 3-4 hours during the day and is eating three meals with snacks.  She is starting to really like food.  Her favorite thing is blueberries.  

She rolls and warms everywhere.  She has no problem getting what and where she wants to go.  However, she is not offically crawling yet.  She got a walker for Christmas and she can zoom all over the house in it.
Just rolling around with her doll
 I hate that she is growing and changing so fast, but at the same time I am so thankful for a healthy baby that is growing and changing.  I just wish she could slow down just a little....


For the past few months the boys have been telling us they really wanted horses for Christmas.  Levi and I thought it would phase out, but as the time got closer they got more instant.  Levi with the help of his sister found some great little horses for the boys.  They are gentle as they come and the boys are in love with them.  They are still in the process of figuring out names. 

Christmas morning Santa left a note for the boys and then they called Papa who brought them over a little while later.  The video of their excitement and Papa's is priceless.

Santa left a special note

Haven and her doll

Haven's first Christmas was much like we expected.  She played and rolled around in all the paper and probably ate some of it too.  She LOVED it.  Santa brought her the cutest little soft doll.

Christmas Eve

The past couple years we have decided to not drive in to town for any Christmas Eve service.  Our Christmas day is packed with three celebrations.  It gives our little family a chance to be home and celebrate the birth of Jesus together.  We had a yummy dinner and watched Christmas movies.  It's becoming one of my favorite nights.  And of course I take LOADS of pictures.

Ornaments and Cookies with Nannie

Every year Natalie has us over to make Santa cookies and this year she added ornaments too!  The kids always have so much fun!

Slumber Party

Levi and I were VERY brave and had a slumber party for Karlee's birthday this year.  It was ALOT of girls (19 to be exact) and 2 very happy boys!  The girt

The Party Goers
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl
We did a little Christmas Craft
Movie Time
The Morning After 

We MIGHT do this again when Haven is 11!  

IPhone pictures I love

Judson thought this was cool when he realized Haven would eat out of his hand like a bird
Our own Handy Manny
Cheetos PLEASE 
Christmas shopping is HARD work, MOM agrees
Cole and his friend Griffin
Next year Mom wont take a baby to the Christmas party so I can help more!  He did a good job but wanted it PERFECT
Christmas School Program...SO CUTE
Love Him
What a treat for these country kids to get to see Santa in the streets of Dalhart
We might have a cowgirl on our hands 


We might just have a little bronc/bull rider on our hands.  He LOVED watching this and pretending to ride,  A bull whip, stool and cowboy hat is all you need.

Kings kids program

Our family is blessed that the kids are able to attend the Methodist Church on Wednesday night to attend Kings Kids.  It is the highlight of the week and they enjoy doing it with their cousins and friends.  We are so thankful for all of the volunteers who help make this hour a week about Jesus and have fun doing it.  We loved the Christmas program this year...this is the kids all dolled up.