The James Family

The James Family

Thursday, February 1, 2018


New Years Eve IN with a yummy dinner 

And Family Game Night
They loved the Sparkling Grape Juice 


Sweet Ivy- Haven wanted to take our picture 

Fish Face

She is an astronaut 

She liked  this dragon 

Basketball practice for Everyone 

Judson liked to do the dishes for about a week 

Cole will always vacuum...pants are optional 

And Haven just wanted the rubber gloves 

We celebrated this sweet girl turning 5 months 

Had a LONG ping-pong tournament 

Judson fixed everything wrong in the house...
We had a girls trip to Amarillo 

Judson starting bringing home books to read 

Some days he loves it and some days he hates it 

Cole had a great report always

Ivy had her first cough and breathing treatments 

Cole had his first basketball game for the season and has improved so much from last year 
He remains the most patient BIG brother I have ever seen 
At dinner he drew out some of their basketball plays for us 

We tried to start feeding Ivy

She hated it 

And continues to 
So we have stopped for a while 

The kids hated seeing her gag
They have a special bond 
School is so hard some days 

We celebrated Cole turning 9

With a slew of cousins and one special friend 

How can he be 9?

Cheese...Aunt Nannie rocked the cake as always and even added alot of the Pokemons 

Big Wish 

Cole went to his first 4H dance and danced with all the girls 

We had a date
But Avi was his favorite dance partner

Messy eater 

This is what Judson looks like with strep

Birthday Breakfast before school 

Birthday Lunch...we do birthdays BIG around here 
The perfect pair 

She loves the mirror 

And Target...first trip out of the carrier 

Lunch with Cole 

Before Braces 

After Braces...OUCH 
Haven wanted to be a baby 

Ivy finally Rolled over

And also outgrew the baby tub, but can'y sit up just yet 

Monday was hard for these girls after a busy weekend 

Haven's hair is getting so long when its wet

Bathing Beauty

January was a great month and I can't believe how fast it went.  Here's to February